The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, December 29, 2017, Columns

Psychic Lyndsay Edwards has predicted that Queen Elizabeth will retire in 2018.

Craig Hamilton-Parker, who predicted Brexit and the Trump victory, claims that in 2018 a volcano near Naples will erupt (could be Mount Vesuvius).

According to, World War III will start in 2018. Other Nostradamus aficionados predicted the same for 2017 and 2016.

Terry and Linda Jamison, internationally known as the Psychic Twins, have said it's unlikely that a nuclear missile will hit the U.S. during Trump's presidency. World-renowned psychic Betsey Lewis says Kim Jong-un's favorite number is nine and he could launch an attack on the ninth day of any month, any date ending in nine, or Sept. 27 (2+7=9).

According to psychic Jeanne Mayell, there will be more sightings of angels in 2018.

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