The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, April 14, 2017, Columns

There are at least 15 different bands named the Spazmatics across the country, all using the same schtick of nerds playing songs from the Eighties. The original group formed in 1983 when Kevin Stigwood, a high school physics teacher in Thousand Oaks, Calif., lost a bet with a student and performed "She Blinded Me With Science" at a basketball game.

When Navy/U.S. intelligence vet-turned-MSNBC analyst Malcolm Nance was assigned to the National Security Agency, his supervisor was fellow U.S. Navy vet Montel Williams.

Koalas are turning to drinking stations set up by scientists because they're not getting needed water from eucalyptus leaves, which are slowly drying out.

Counterfeit goods valued at $1.38 billion were seized by the U.S. government in 2016.

According to one etymologist, the usage of "skim milk" over "skimmed milk" is preferred 8-to-1 (although "skimmed milk" was the original term).

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