The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, June 28, 2013, Columns

A klavierbaumeister is a master piano builder.

Some believe that giants once lived in the area that is now the city of Rockwall, Texas. A giant human skull was unearthed there in 1886.

A thousand Americans a day go to emergency rooms because of dog bites. More Americans seek medical attention for dog bites than for choking or falls. You're more likely to have to go to a doctor for a bite than to call the fire department for a home fire.

In the Netherlands, drivers are taught to reach across with their right hand to open car doors; the movement turns their body slightly to see oncoming traffic — mainly bike riders.

Aristotle pointed out that most people do not have the patience or intelligence to follow a logical argument very closely.

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