The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, October 1, 2010, Columns

According to Muslim cleric Mehdi Khazali, Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has Jewish roots.

Richard Nixon thought his Sept. 16, 1968, appearance on the comedy TV show Laugh-In got him elected.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets covers Harry's second year at the Hogwarts, which makes him 12 years old. In the story, Harry is invited to Nearly Headless Nick's 500th death day anniversary celebration, where it states Nick was killed in 1492. Thus Harry Potter was 12 in 1992, making him 30 years old this year.

When Lloyd Olsen of Fruita, Colo., set out to kill a rooster for the family dinner on Sept. 10, 1945, he had no idea that the bird would survive having his head chopped off. In fact, Mike the Headless Chicken lived for 18 months.

There is no set number of nipples a female or male dog can have. Usually it's as many as 12. Sometimes it's an odd number.

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