The Austin Chronicle

Gay Place

By Kate X Messer, August 28, 2009, Columns

THE 'BEST' ISN'T 'TIL NEXT WEEK So this week, you'll indulge me, yes? In some worsts? OK. So those of you who read and pay attention regularly enough are aware of the fact that your humble Gay Place servant (me, Kate) is also the editor of the Chronicle's annual "Best of Austin" issue, which hits the stands next week. As you can imagine, I have been wallowing in so much good and great in this town that I just want to puke. Allow me, please, to vent about a few things – a few absolutely putrid and definitely not "best" things:

1) That guy who says "One-oh-one" really fast and then says, "Ex," like he's having a bowel movement. Not the best. Next:

2) Butchy lesbians with French pedicures. I know, I know: The gender continuum has room for all sorts of expression, and if my sweet butch sistahs (or even I) want to girl it up and get fancy, trust me, I am all for it. Those who really know me know I love a good mani/pedi, but French pedicures ...? On butches? Not the best.

3) That commercial where the pretty young woman schlucks down a cup of yogurt right there in the grocery store and then wipes her lips? Ew. Not the best. I have to turn the TV off when that happens. Ew ew ew.

4) KUT going to all that trouble to piss off so many people with music and format changes and still not getting it right. That's not so best.

5) Going to my local grocery store to get a sweet free sample of beer and having the server advocate the violent overthrow of my country's government. I know, surreal. And definitely not best.

6) And opening an e-mail from a local gay org and seeing my name in a list of people with whom the group has been "hard at work ... forging new relationships ... meeting with decision makers in our community," implying some sort of accord? Endorsement? Making what point? I do not know, nor do I understand. ... But I did feel icky, violated, and like I should scrub with a wire brush after reading it. Not cool. Misleading and weird. Most definitely not the best.

Acht. Who cares? Negative is sooooo day after June 6, right? Let's stay positive! Eyes on the prize. Stay tuned for next week's happy-happy-joy-joy-fest, aka the "Best of Austin."

Send gay bits to [email protected].


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