The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, June 2, 2006, Columns

Oliver Hardy was a good singer. He sang "Honolulu Baby" in the film Sons of the Desert.

According to CBS Sportsline, 76-year-old televangelist Pat Robertson claims he can leg press 2,000 pounds thanks to his "age-defying protein shake." This breaks a previous record of 665 pounds by Florida State University's Dan Kendra.

Annie Oakley wore pierced earrings.

The rumba, which originally made its way to the West from African slaves in Cuba, stresses exaggerated hip movements by the woman. The man, trying to prove his manhood by physical domination, is ultimately rejected. Not surprisingly, an Akan proverb translates that "women's violent shakings of the hips kill."

Dragonflies migrate like birds.

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