The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, December 30, 2005, Columns

Some believe the Rapture will happen on 06/06/06. (Perhaps because it didn't happen on 06/06/66?)

According to, 2006 is the year indicated by an angel to the prophet Daniel for the "time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations" (Daniel 12:1) – the same words used by Jesus in Matthew 24:21.

One prophecy says that during 2006, new theories regarding the birth of language will get a surprising amount of media attention.

Some see Holland as the underdog winner of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, which will be starting in Germany on 06/09/06 (if all goes well, this will be three days after the Rapture on 06/06/06).

Viswanathan Anand is favored to win the 2006 World Chess Championship.

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