The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, December 23, 2005, Columns

In California, it's illegal to sleep in your kitchen but it's OK to cook in your bedroom.

Joe Jamail's law professor once suggested that he follow his parents into the grocery business. Among many legal victories, Jamail was named lawyer of the century and received the largest jury verdict in the history of law: $11,120,000,000 in Pennzoil v. Texaco.

Blossom Rock, "Grandma" on the Addams Family TV series, was born Edith Marie Blossom MacDonald Rock and was the sister of Jeanette McDonald (Rose Marie, Indian Love Call).

There are places in Southeast Asia where the fireflies light on and off in unison.

Denmark has the world's highest candy consumption rate per capita: 29.5 pounds per year.

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