The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, July 8, 2005, Columns

Crystals of pure LSD emit sparks when shaken or moved against each other in the dark.

In a 1951 chess game between Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, Bogart led with a Ruy Lopez opening. In the end, Bogart had four pawns and a knight, while Bacall had four pawns and decided to resign.

Homer and Langley Collyer, packrat brothers, stowed newspapers, old Christmas trees, 12 pianos, and a dismantled automobile in their Harlem mansion over a 40-year period – a total of 180 tons. Homer starved to death; Langley smothered to death.

Deceased entertainer John Davidson had two uncles who were professors at Baylor University.

Women could not serve on juries in Texas until 1954.

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