The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, July 1, 2005, Columns

By his own admission, Tom Cruise hates e-mail and therefore does not have an e-mail address.

If you worked for a McDonald's in Pakistan, you would have to work 14 hours and 14 minutes to earn enough money to afford a Big Mac.

A new study found that 125 large lakes in the Arctic have vanished as temperatures rose during the past two decades. Many other lakes have shrunk. The lakes once sat atop permanently frozen soil called permafrost and are now in underground aquifers – the effect is like pulling the plug out of a bathtub.

For the films Star Wars and Carrie, directors George Lucas and Brian De Palma held a joint casting session, as the two movies were being filmed at the same time with casts of about the same age.

Saddam Hussein is said to have seven jinn (genies) lined up for his personal protection.

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