The Austin Chronicle

About AIDS

Disingenuous denialists: what facts?

By Sandy Bartlett, April 29, 2005, Columns

AIDS denialism is the belief that (pick one or more): HIV does not cause AIDS, HIV doesn't exist, AIDS was "invented" so drug makers could profiteer, etc. Last week, we looked at how denialists distort outdated, out-of-context factoids to bash HIV testing. What else do they claim?

"AIDS is an artificial construct invented out of pre-existing conditions." For example, African AIDS focuses on different fatal maladies than those in the U.S. The example is significantly true but for reasons they withhold. An HIV-wrecked immune system permits opportunistic illnesses to develop from the germs found in the particular population: That is AIDS. Also, tough germs rise quicker than wimpy ones. So, in Africa, most AIDS deaths are caused by aggressive TB, malaria, and intestinal bugs, and with relatively mild immune decline. If those germs were widespread here, they would also define AIDS for us.

"Anti-HIV medications are toxic." That's not untrue, but it needs some context. Yes, the early drugs (or their dosages) especially were toxic, with ghastly side-effects. But, gee, folks, move on! Extended research has yielded better medications no worse than treatments for many other diseases. They aren't totally without problems, but HIVers taking them typically lead quite normal lives. If a patient's drug resistance doesn't allow those as options, then older, more troublesome drugs may be needed, requiring some hard decisions about survival vs. quality of life. It's up to the patient.

We don't really cure viruses – yet. Until then, effective management of HIV is the goal, much like diabetes. We only ask that those affected be fully informed, and we support their making choices that make sense to them.

Denialists are often well-intentioned but willfully uninformed. We applaud the raising of difficult questions, but if denialism interferes with education and self-empowerment, it is merely destructive.

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