The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, October 1, 2004, Columns

According to Time magazine, Donald Rumsfeld co-owns a New Mexico ranch with Dan Rather, among others.

Fanta comes in 70 different flavors; not all are available in each of the 188 countries in which it is sold.

The average British woman's handbag is worth more than $800, according to the results of a survey by Prudential Home Insurance. The average handbag itself is worth $54, but among the contents are cell phones, worth an average of $360; sunglasses, $90; perfume, $72; house and car keys, $180; and about $90 cash.

DNA is not alive.

The film Schmelvis: Searching for the King's Jewish Roots examines the theory that Elvis Presley's great-great-grandmother, Nancy Tackett, née Burdine, was Jewish. Elvis allegedly was wearing a gold necklace with a "chai" pendant when he died.

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