The Austin Chronicle

About AIDS

By Sandy Bartlett, January 10, 2003, Columns

Semen 'Makes Women Happy'?

"Women exposed to their partner's semen during sex may find themselves feeling happier than those who use a condom." This is the suggestion of one of the more unusual studies to arise lately.

Researchers at the State University of New York believe that a woman's mood can be boosted by mood-altering hormones in semen that are absorbed through the vagina. These include testosterone and estrogen, both of which are known to improve mood. The study's 293 female participants were divided according to how often their partners wore condoms and assessed on level of happiness and overall mood, using standard psychological procedures. They found that women whose partners never used condoms were happiest, followed by women whose partners sometimes used condoms. Women whose partners always used or usually used condoms were less happy.

Nonetheless, head researcher Gordon Gallup, Ph.D., urged couples to continue to practice safe sex and acknowledges that much more research is needed.

Some readers may muse about "scientists who have too much time on their hands," and feminists may be outraged. However, the study, published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour, addresses from outside the usual box the vexing question, "Why do people continue to engage in risky behavior?" Perhaps new approaches like this one will provide new insights into this most complex of human behaviors.

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