The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants

By Mr. Smarty Pants, May 17, 2002, Columns

Cola ingredients include orange, lemon, nutmeg, and coriander oils, and food-grade (never use art-grade!) gum arabic.

Need coriander leaves in a recipe? All you need is cilantro (cilantro is the Spanish word for coriander). Cilantro, a member of the carrot family, is also known as Chinese or Mexican parsley.

Mobil Oil's pegasus logo used to fly west. In 1965 it was changed to fly east.

Since 1492, about 20,000 executions have taken place in what is now known as the United States. Virginia leads the states in the number of people executed. Other states with high execution rates are, like Virginia, former slave states close to the Mason-Dixon line.

A teaspoonful of a neutron star would weigh one billion tons, as much as all the cars and trucks on Earth.

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