The Austin Chronicle

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By Louis Black, October 5, 2001, Columns

elcome to our "Best of Austin" 2001 issue. As with everything, this issue was reconsidered in light of recent events. Long ago the staff had picked the theme of superheroes, and celebrating the heroism of everyday life and business never seemed more appropriate. The staff had suggested Tim and Karrie League as the cover, which was an idea I loved. Outside of the Paramount, I spend more culture time at the Alamo than anywhere else. But last week, I asked the staff if they wanted to rethink the cover (Ironically, for the first time in years, the Fire Department didn't win in the Readers Poll Best City Service category). In a meeting that I was forced to miss, the staff decided unanimously to go with the cover. It is about moving forward. It is about asserting our freedom by living our lives every day. This in no way diminishes the incredible acts of heroism we've recently witnessed. It is to honor them by living the rest of our lives with courage and integrity. Kate Messer and the gang have delivered one of our most eloquent "Best Of" issues ever.

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The Chronicle continues to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Upcoming events include:

This Friday, Oct. 5, an in-store CD release performance by the Wild Seeds, led by golf-cart-in-the-swimming-pool instigator Mike Hall, at Waterloo Records, 5pm. Later that night, they are at the Hole in the Wall and at Opal Divine's Freehouse the next night.

Where Do We Go From Here: The Possibilities of Public Life After Sept. 11, an open forum to try and make sense of recent events, featuring Rahul Mahajan, James Galbraith, Molly Ivins, Sarah Cleveland, Frank Gavin, and the Rev. Sterling Lands, moderated by Michael King, the Chronicle's News editor. Bass Lecture Hall at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, Thursday, Oct. 11, 7pm.

Chronicle Open House: Come check out the Chronicle and meet the staff. Be prepared, be very prepared, this is not like the movies. It's more like a devastated part of the city. Friday, Oct. 12, 11am-2pm. There will be refreshments.

On Saturday, Oct. 13, we will be sponsoring a Drag Ball, the details of which are being worked out as I write. It will be at Le Privilege.

Soap Creek Saloon Reunion. God, it breaks my heart that I mention this to some people and they say "What?" Many others know. This was the most legendary of clubs in a town stinking of legendary clubs. Soap Creek was simply the perfect honky-tonk, the one of dream, of imagination, of magic. From the bouncer at the door to the waitresses to the bartenders to the owners, the place was perfect. The music was even better. That isn't the booze talking; it's the details of so many memorable nights. At La Zona Rosa on Sunday, Oct. 14.

Chronicle Short Story Contest winners will read their winning entries at BookPeople, Thursday, Oct. 25, 7pm.

Eat Drink Watch Movies. This is the incredible pairing of film with restaurants' evening dinners, planned by Virginia Wood with the folks on our cover. This is in November, but early ticket purchase is suggested. Tickets available online at

Check for ads for all of these elsewhere in the issue.

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We have received so many letters about recent events that we have created a special home for them on our Web site ( Any and all letters and comments we receive on these events will be posted to the site. end story

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