The Austin Chronicle

Page Two

By Louis Black, August 31, 2001, Columns

This issue is Volume 20, Number 53. We're issuing an extra number in this volume so we can put off starting a new volume until the first week in September. Thus, next issue will be Vol. 21, No. 1, our 20th anniversary issue devoted to a shared remembered history of the past 20 years at the Chronicle. Vol. 21, No. 2 will introduce our new redesign, which is being fine-tuned even as we speak.

A lot of change ahead, but we've already undergone one significant change. Over the past 18 months or so, our Politics staff has evolved and then evolved again, shedding skin and taking new shapes. In that time many changes have occurred. Amy Smith, at her request, went from Politics editor to full-time Politics writer. Robert Bryce, Erica C. Barnett, and Kevin Fullerton left (the last two in the last two months). Louis Dubose came and left. Mike Clark-Madison sort of left but then came back. Lee Nichols went from writing the media column and proofreading to full-time proofreading (a new baby impacted his hours) to becoming assistant Politics editor. Michael King joined the staff, went from writer to associate editor to editor. Jordan Smith joined as a full-time investigative reporter. Not one person or position remained unchanged. The redesign will only emphasize this more.

The current Politics staff lineup: Michael King editor and boss, his leadership already evident in these pages. Associate editor Lauri Apple is, I believe, the Chronicle editorial staff's first ever out-of-state hire. She was previously in Pittsburgh and D.C., but we were so taken with Apple's energy and intelligence that unspoken rules were ignored. Lee Nichols is the assistant editor and already breaking stories. Amy Smith and Jordan Smith are staff writers covering different territories. So far, this mix seems to be really working. Chronicle Publisher Nick Barbaro and I are especially excited because it worked out that rather than going to part time, Mike Clark-Madison is back on staff full time, writing, reporting, and directing other writers. We proudly stand behind everything Mike has written for the Chronicle as well as his activities as a citizen of Austin. The recent flap over his remarks about Eric Mitchell was just a sad political burlesque. We expected more from all involved; only Mike delivered.

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