The Austin Chronicle

About AIDS

The OZ Parties Entertains HIV+ Singles on Feb. 25

February 16, 2001, Columns

The OZ Parties is pleased to announce its first event for 2001! A Buffet Dinner will be hosted at one of Austin's premier eateries, the 34th Street Cafe, on Sunday, Feb. 25.

As always, this event will provide the occasion for all single HIV+ individuals - straight, gay, bisexual, and transgendered - to meet for fellowship and making new friends. So join the party for another great time of food, music, and the opportunity to meet new people!

The OZ Parties is a volunteer effort from people with HIV and receives no direct financial support from any individual or organization, although it receives volunteer support from AIDS Services of Austin. Contributions ($5 suggested) from guests are welcome to help cover expenses but are not required. The continued success of the OZ Parties relies on the ongoing interest, participation, contributions, and dedicated efforts of its guests.

The party will be 4 to 8pm at 34th Street Cafe, 1005 West 34th St., just west of Lamar. In addition to the buffet supper, beer and wine will be available for a nominal cost. Additional details are available at The OZ Parties can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected] or by voicemail at 406-6408.

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