The Austin Chronicle

Mister Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, January 23, 1998, Columns

According to one source, Christopher Columbus was known for smoking cigars by inserting them into one nostril.

There were so many photos taken during the Civil War that it became commercially impractical to publish all of them. Some of the exposed glass plates were later sold to farmers who used them as panes in greenhouses.

In the "Song of the White Horse" by David Belford, the lead soprano is required to breathe in helium to reach the extremely high top note.

Recent studies suggest that dinosaurs in the area now known as the Gobi Desert were buried alive by massive sand slides.

The first Hydrogen bomb was called Mike.

The above is information which Mr. Smarty Pants read in a book, a magazine, or the newspaper; heard on the radio; saw on television; or overheard at a party. Got any facts? Leave a message for Mr. Smarty Pants, at 454-5766, ext. 226 for possible inclusion in the column. E-mail: [email protected]

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