The Austin Chronicle

Public Notice

Thrifty Is As Thrifty Does

By Kate X Messer, October 10, 1997, Columns

One of our favorite bargain stores, Top Drawer Thrift Store, also happens to be the benefit thrift for one of our fave local groups (among the 100s of you selfless public service sweethearts...), Project Transitions. Not only are they taking shop Volunteers for the busy fall/holiday season, but they are also putting the word out to Area Retailers: If you have out-of-season or irregular stock of which you would like to divest, call Top Drawer. Donations are tax deductible and pick-ups can be arranged. 454-8646.

C'mon & Take a Free-Net

"Best of Austin" winner Sue Beckwith (Best Community Networking Activist) of Austin Free-Net (Best Public Place to Surf) sent this in: Austin Free-Net is kicking off its fall fundraising campaign, Friends of Austin Free-Net. The idea is that if everyone who is connected to the Net (at home or work) contributes just $20 each year, then Austin would have enough public access to the Net for everyone. Remember that Austin Free-Net is a community effort. If we expect to mitigate the disparity in access to technology in Austin, Texas, then we all need to contribute. Oh yeah, your contribution is tax deductible. Mail your check to: Austin Free-Net, 1711 S. Congress, 3rd Floor, Austin, TX 78704 (include e-mail address). Employees of the City of Austin and Travis County can Designate Austin Free-Net through the Annual Giving Program by listing Austin Free-Net's code number as an individual charity. (CoA code 1242, Travis Co. code 503033), 326-9084 or or [email protected]

Back to Life

Don't forget next week's AIDS Walk Austin (née Walk for Life), AIDS Services of Austin's annual 5Ker which has been bumped up to a 10Ker, Sun, Oct 19. Get your individual pledges together now or organize a team from work, school, or the neighborhood. 406-6114.


Uncurl the kids' deathgrip on the ergonomically form-fitted Nintendo controller and push the puppies out the door before their vision can re-focus and adjust to natural light. Once they get to where you're going, they'll forget all about Starfox™ and won't even realize that you are sneaking a rather large dose of culture into their diet. The Metz/Martin Recreation Center and Ballet East Austin Theatre are throwing a party, Sat, Oct 18, 9am-7pm. The Eastside Arts Festival will feature artwork by Fidencio Duran, Sam Coronado, and others. Performances by Alma Tejana, Ballet East Austin Theatre, Andrea Ariel Dance Theatre, Toni Bravo, Metz Children & Teen Folklorico Dancers, plus Mariachi, menudo, and fun for munchkins highlight the doin's. There's still time to set up a booth, too. 478-8717 or 385-2838.

What Do They Mean By "Live"?!?

The Silent Auction stuff is pretty clear... but when you're talking the Humane Society/SPCA of Austin, you gotta wonder what they really mean by "Live" Auction. Does it mean that if you aren't careful and drink yourself into a stupor and the auctioneer is a-hemmmenn-ing and a-hemmmmmennn-ing and you accidentally raise your hand, that you'll come home with a giraffe or worse yet, a box of free kittens? Probably not. The 1997 Paw Ball, Sat, Oct 11 at the Four Seasons, is a Fifties-themed paw-hop to benefit our local Humane-sters. Loretta "Hotlips" Swit is this year's featured chair, and if she's anything in-person like her beloved television character, she's quite the little beastie herself. Roooowwwwwwlllll!!! Live music by the Daddios will have you wagging your tails at this Bark Around the Clock. 837-7985, ext. 235.

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