The Austin Chronicle

Mister Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, August 22, 1997, Columns

One requirement for a tornado to be classified as an F-5 (the deadliest) is its ability to strip bark from trees.

Swiss cheese holes are made when bacteria emit carbon dioxide during fermentation. This action could be the source of the expression "cut the cheese."

Alexander Graham Bell's school for the deaf failed.

On August 6, 1890, William Kemmler, buffalo hunter, became the first person put to death by electrocution. After killing his wife, he went downstairs and told his landlady, "I killed her and I'll get the rope for it." He was wrong.

10,000 humans are born each day; 70,000 puppies and kittens are also born each day.

The above is information which Mr. Smarty Pants read in a book, a magazine, or the newspaper; heard on the radio; saw on television; or overheard at a party. Got any facts? Leave a message for Mr. Smarty Pants, at 454-5766, ext. 226 for possible inclusion in the column. E-mail: [email protected]

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