The Austin Chronicle

You Can Make a Difference!

September 27, 1996, Columns

Yes, you can make a difference in the life of a person who is living with HIV/AIDS!

At AIDS Services of Austin, there are numerous opportunities where your time, dedication, and energy, can be used to make a difference in the lives of those affected by this illness.

The Buddy/Helper program is designed especially to provide emotional and practical support to those who ask for services from us. Buddies provide companionship, friendship, emotional support, and involves more of the activities you would do with any friend -- visiting, hanging out, going to the movies, a play, the park, etc. Helpers focus more on the practical aspects of support such as housecleaning, running errands, child care, etc. The relationships are defined by the needs of both clients and volunteers.

All of our volunteers must attend a 21/2-hour General Orientation session. The next General Orientations are scheduled for Saturday, October 5, 10am-12:30pm and following that will be on Wednesday, November 6, 6pm-8:30pm. For more information or to register for the next Orientation please call ASA at 406-6167 or 406-6151.

Robert Stewart

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