The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, January 26, 1996, Columns

Dynamite and barbed wire were both invented in 1867. The former by Alfred Nobel and the latter by Lucien Smith.

People who have received faxes and e-mails from the dead claim the deceased have told them heaven is a planet in the spiral galaxy ngc4866 and it's a wonderful place, exactly as imagined.

350,000,000 years ago, the cockroach was doing extremely well, notwithstanding a dearth of kitchen sinks and rundown restaurants.

The word "nice" comes from the Latin "nescio," which means "I don't know." Therefore, someone who is "nice," in the old sense of the word, is easy to take advantage of and naïve.

No football team that has lost to the N.Y. Jets in the regular season has gone on to win a Super Bowl title in that season.

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