The Austin Chronicle

The Dionysium

The 75th monthaversary brings the paean

By Wayne Alan Brenner, July 30, 2010, Arts

Uh-oh: Here comes trouble.

It's gonna be a night of clashing titans, albeit sans kraken, as L.B. "Laughing Boy" Deyo takes on Kurt "The Perfesser" Hildebrand in a no-holds-barred Texas Death Match Debate at the 75th presentation of the monthly Dionysium!

Well, no, it's not an actual to-the-death match, and the only thing really Texas-y about the event (aside from its Alamo Drafthouse South location) is the large amount of wine-imbibing that will attend the spectacle. But, oh, it will be a spectacle, brain-fans, as these two mental giants argue it out to decide, once and for all, if "ideas exist, independent of things." We mean, that was a great idea, Plato, and we're gonna let you finish, but ....

But that's not all! As with the past 6½ years' worth of Dionysiums, this night's heady antics will be hosted by that same (possibly triumphant, potentially devastated) Deyo and the ever-witty Buzz "Foleyvision" Moran and will include a lecture, a screened animation presented by Lance "Fever" Myers, the keyboard stylings of maestro Graham Reynolds, and more.

They say that knowledge is power; they say that the truth shall set you free. We say, "Drink up, citizen, and raise a toast to Dionysus as the intellectual donnybrook rumbles on!"

The Dionysium will be held Wednesday, Aug. 4, 7pm, at the Alamo Drafthouse South, 1120 S. Lamar. For more information, visit

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