The Austin Chronicle

Culture Flash!

By Robert Faires, February 19, 2010, Arts

• Painting isn't just for humans anymore. Turns out a number of our four-footed companions have a gift for making art, as you can see for yourself at Petcasso 2010, the fourth annual animal art event held by Animal Trustees of Austin so this nonprofit can provide affordable and free veterinary care for area animals whose owners can't afford private care. Works by horses and canines of assorted breeds will be up for auction – look for contributions by the pets of Friday Night Lights star Angela Rawna and L Style G Style editor and owner Alisa Weldon – with dinner to keep your strength up for all that bidding. Petcasso 2010 will be held Sunday, Feb. 21, 6-9pm, at the Dell Jewish Community Center, 7300 Hart. For more information, visit

• You know the sun'll come out tomorrow, but can you sing it well enough to get cast in Annie? If you or some would-be orphan you know want help on that score, take note: Zilker Theatre Productions, which is staging the Strouse-Charnin hit as the 2010 Summer Musical, will hold a free audition workshop Sunday, Feb. 21, at McCallum High School, 5600 Sunshine. Stage and music director Michael McKelvey and other local theatre pros will discuss the audition process (and audition dos and don'ts), teach music that can be used for an Annie audition, and run a mock dance call. Space is limited, so you must register to attend. Workshop times are noon-2pm for children ages 8-14; 2:30-4:30pm for teens 15 years old to adults. Auditions for Annie will be held March 6 & 20. For more information, call 479-9491 or e-mail [email protected].

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