The Austin Chronicle

Paramount Theatre: A million in its stocking

By Robert Faires, December 21, 2007, Arts

The Paramount Theatre may have White Christmas on the screen, but it's definitely a green Christmas for the beloved old opera house. That's because the Neil and Elaine Griffin Foundation is giving the Paramount a $1 million grant, the biggest chunk of change that the theatre has ever received. Ken Stein, executive director of the Austin Theatre Alliance, which runs both the Paramount and State theatres, plans to apply some of the funds toward upkeep on the 92-year-old venue. "This gift will allow us to assess the big picture for restoring the Paramount," Stein says. "Instead of fixing the roof one year and the air conditioning the next, we'll be able to bring in restoration experts and architects to create a plan for ensuring the theatre will be here forever."

That's important to Richard Griffin, who landed this historic prize in the Paramount's stocking. "An old theatre like this cannot be replaced, and Austin would be a less desirable city without it," he says. Griffin and his wife, Amy, became fans of the theatre after moving to Austin from Kerrville, and in addition to serving on the ATA board, Griffin had helped secure it some smaller donations from the Neil and Elaine Griffin Foundation. But the time was right, he felt, for a major boost. "Amy and I wanted the theatre's staff to know that we believed in their work and wanted to give them an opportunity to take their efforts to the next level," he says. "I hope this gift will serve as a catalyst for larger gifts to this worthy organization." That's actually part of the plan: The grant requires that half the amount be matched with other private donations, but the alliance has two years to raise those funds. For more information, call 472-5470 or visit

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