The Austin Chronicle


Art Sales

By Robert Faires, May 2, 1997, Arts

The visual artists in this city are selling out -- in a manner of speaking, that is. Lots of `em are getting more of their drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, and mixed media pieces into the hands of the art-lovin' public. The Artists' Coalition of Austin reports that their recent exhibition "Go Figure II" set an organization record for sales of exhibited work. Eleven pieces, all featuring work from the coalition's life drawing sessions, were picked up by happy collectors -- an indication, perhaps, that the new ACA Gallery inside the ArtPlex (1705 Guadalupe, just in case you forgot) is a hot spot for catching the work of some up-and-coming artists.

Around the corner from the ArtPlex is a spot that has long been hot when it comes to seeing the work of top talents in the visual arts. The Women & Their Work Gallery (1710 Lavaca) is always worth checking out if you're looking for exceptional images, but this week it's especially worth checking out if you want to take some of those images home with you. W&TW is having its Red Dot Sale on Thursday, May 8. Work by more than 100 artists will be up for grabs, all of it available for $500 or less. When you consider that the artists with work for sale include Tré Arenz, Jill Bedgood, Ann Chamberlin, John Christensen, Lilian Garcia Roig, Letitia Huerta, Martha Peters, Peter & Sally Saul, and Bob Wade, you can imagine what bargains are to be had at this sale. The event also includes margaritas and hors d'oeuvres. Tickets are $15 and all proceeds benefit W&TW. The party starts at 6pm (5:30pm for W&TW members). For info, call 477-1064.

Script Works Debuts

Since it seems like every other person in Austin is writing a stage play these days -- and everyone else is writing a screenplay -- it only makes sense for there to be entities in town that are devoted to nurturing, developing, and assisting in the production of new dramatic scripts in all media. Enter (or fade in on) Austin Script Works, a new nonprofit created for just those purposes. It's being headed by some local folks with established credentials in the script development field, and they're hosting a sneak peek introduction to the company on Monday, May 5, 7-9pm, in the Helm Fine Arts Center at St. Stephen's School. The event will include readings from scripts by members Emily Ball Cicchini, David Mark Cohen, TJ Gonzales, Clay Nichols, and Cyndi Williams, and membership brochures will be available. Admission is free. For info, call 454-3264.

Off the Desk

AusTix/The Box Office wants to give your performing arts organization a free ride on the World Wide Web. Through a unique partnership, Quadralay Corporation has contributed $5,000 to the arts service organization and is offering webpage services free of charge -- you read that right: free of charge -- to any and all producers in the performing arts community who utilize AusTix/The Box Office. To take advantage of this amazing offer, give The Box Office a call at 454-TIXS.

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