The Austin Chronicle

Short Cuts

By Marc Savlov, June 7, 2002, Screens

It Was a One-Armed Man, I Tell Ya, With a Chainsaw, Yeah, That's The Ticket! Dept.: Jon Lovitz to take on the role of Dr. Richard Kimball in Stephen Sondheim's musical adaptation of The Fugitive? Heaven forfend! No, I'm referring to the fact that this summer's locally shot remake of everyone's favorite dysfunctional family drama -- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre -- is now casting. Chief on their list (which can be accessed in full at the Texas Film Commission's online-production hotline: of things needed is a "male amputee age 60+," as well as assorted female victim-type parts, and, my favorite, "a strange looking boy age 9-13." The biggest part, though, and in more ways than one, is that of Leatherface ("male, around 6'5", athletic and powerful"), which is sure to get gobs of coverage and fawning adulation from the gang over at gore-hound mouthpiece Fangoria. Frankly, we miss the late, local leatherman Robbie Jacks, who turned in a finely calibrated Chainsaw performance as Mr. Face in Kim Henkel's 1994 Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. With luck, we'll have another Austinite in the bloody apron and dead-skin-mask combo, thus assuring our status as Freak Capital of the World (and not just counting South Austin, either). Actor types, send those headshots and résumés to Beth Sepko Casting, 501 N. I-35, Austin, TX, 78702 or call Beth at 472-5385. That other 500 lb. gorilla that's soon to shoot in town is, like you don't already know, Ron Howard's mega-budget Alamo remake, which has sent out a call for crew-only positions via the TFC at Specifics are vague on what they're looking for crew-wise, but if you've got a roll of gaffer tape lying around the back of your car, you probably qualify for something. Résumés should be faxed to the production offices at 512/264-2263... You say you're fresh out of Super-8 Tri-X pan film stock and the University Co-op's supply is all sold out? Lucky for you the Cinemaker Co-op's Super-8 SXSW Trailer Fest has extended their deadline to Friday, June 28, at 5pm. See or call 236-8877 for more info... Finally, Flicker Austin is hosting their ninth small-gauge mini-fest at the Alamo Drafthouse Downtown (409 Colorado), Sunday, June 16, at 7pm. As Flicker Austin mastermind Cory Ryan duly notes, it's Father's Day as well, which gives you the perfect opportunity to get dad soused and explain to him why you want to quit med school to work as a production assistant on indie films while taking in some of Austin's finest micro-filmmaking. For more info check out or e-mail [email protected].

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